Polynesian Cultural Exchange

Polynesian Cultural Exchange

As Polynesians, our unique culture and heritage informs our deep commitment to serving and uplifting our communities both here in our local area and across the Pacific Island regions. Our passion for assisting those in need is matched only by our dedication to doing so in a legal manner that promotes justice and equity for all.

Through our advocacy efforts on behalf of numerous organizations, we have become a trusted voice in the fight for social justice, human rights, and policy reform. We are always seeking to forge new partnerships with like-minded business owners and individuals who share our commitment to building a better world for ourselves, our tribe, and all those we are privileged to interact with.

By working together, we believe that we can achieve meaningful outcomes and make a positive impact in the lives of those we seek to serve. So if you share our values and vision, we would love to hear from you and explore how we can join forces for the greater good!

Uniting Native Americans & Native Pacific Islanders & Aboriginals

Community Development Native Elements

Growing one another with a focus on Small Business & Youth Guidance


Feel free to donate to our cause and help us build our platform aimed at uniting Native Pacific Islanders, Native Americans & Aboriginals all around the world to assist in all areas of development.

Sweeter Than Candy!
Community Development Projects
Uniting Native Pacific Islanders, Aboriginals & Native Americans!
About Polynesian Cultural Exchange

Our aim is to unify tribes & Natives to build stronger communities

  • Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning: Both Native Pacific Islanders and Native Americans have rich, diverse cultures and histories, and there is potential for shared learning and exchange. This will lead to a deeper understanding and respect for each other’s cultures, traditions, and practices, which could fuel collaborative strategies for community development.

  • Sharing Best Practices: Each group has unique experiences and strategies for dealing with their specific challenges and opportunities. By collaborating, they can share these best practices and adopt what works best in their own communities. For instance, both groups have long traditions of sustainable land and sea resource management which can be mutually beneficial.

  • Strength in Numbers: Collaboration can result in an increase in collective bargaining power when negotiating with federal and state governments for resources, land rights, and cultural preservation. Joint efforts may amplify their voices and provide a more substantial platform for advocacy.

  • Diversified Funding Opportunities: Collaborative projects can attract funding from a broader range of sources. Organizations often prioritize initiatives that demonstrate broad impact and cooperation among diverse groups. Joint efforts between Native Pacific Islanders and Native Americans could open doors to additional grants, public funding, and private donations.

  • Resilience and Adaptation: Both groups have faced and continue to confront challenges related to climate change, economic pressures, and cultural preservation. By working together, they can build resilient communities and learn from each other’s adaptations. For instance, Pacific Islanders have extensive experience with sea-level rise and extreme weather events, while Native Americans have strategies for dealing with desertification and water scarcity. These shared learnings can be invaluable in building resilient communities.

We Can't Help Everyone, but Everyone can help someone

About Polynesian Cultural Exchange

Native Pacific Islander & Native American Collaboration

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We present to you Kava Konnect, a unique platform that unites the timeless traditions of Native Pacific Islanders and Native Americans with the progressive world of business networking. This cross-cultural collaboration is a celebration of our rich indigenous heritage, focused on fostering a sense of community, unity, and mutual growth.

Kava Konnect integrates the sacred Kava ceremonies of Pacific Islanders and the esteemed natural products of Native Americans into a cohesive networking model. We are not just another networking platform; we create an atmosphere of ‘Ohana, a familial support system akin to the tribal unity of our Native American counterparts. We believe in a networking approach where everyone is family, and everyone grows together.

Our platform offers a rare blend of cultural appreciation, sustainability, and holistic wellness. Each connection made, every business decision taken, is deeply rooted in the respect and honor for our indigenous wisdom and practices. We’ve seamlessly woven cultural preservation into the fabric of our platform, showcasing the powerful potential of our ancestral knowledge in the modern business world.

Investing in Kava Konnect is investing in the power of unity, innovation, and tradition. It is an opportunity to contribute to a platform that empowers individuals, supports businesses, and uplifts communities. We stand at the crossroads of the past and the future, blending tradition with technology, and culture with commerce. With your support, we aim to expand our reach, bringing the transformative Kava Konnect experience to more communities, promoting cultural understanding, inclusivity, and shared prosperity. Together, let’s build a future where business thrives on the foundation of our collective indigenous wisdom and unity.

Assist the process

Networking Growth

We foster an environment where culture is celebrated, nurtured & preserved in order to facilitate programs that promote healthy positive growth through whatever networking means we may have at our disposal as our forefathers have done for thousands of years

Discover Kava Konnect

Your Gateway to Cultural and Business Networking

An introduction to the unique networking platform, Kava Konnect, and its blend of traditional Pacific Islander Kava ceremonies with innovative business networking practices.

Ohana Means Family

Reinvesting in community

An invitation to join the Kava Konnect family, emphasizing the personal and professional growth opportunities within the community.


Experience Tradition

An exploration of the traditional Kava ceremonies integral to the Kava Konnect experience and their significance in indigenous culture,

empowerment through connections

The Butterfly Effect

A detailed look at Kava Konnect’s approach to empowerment through connection, and the platform’s potential for personal and professional development.

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Strength in Unity

Linking our Tribes gives us leverage that we've never had before. We are a group of chiefs, tribal leaders, community members, family patriarchs & matriarchs and understand the importance of combining forces to obtain goals & the strength that comes in proper networking & communication. We believe that operating with integrity will keep us aligned with the different cultural elements that others may "sea"(see) as barriers, we see as gateways.
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Building a better tomorrow today

Wooden Tikis and typical Hawaiian vegetation

We're Stronger Together

We focus on building programs that strengthen family bonds, preserving culture, language, arts, in ways that are innovative, transparent, & adhere to our values & integrity. Our hope is that by the connection of a few, we are able to help many.
Our Event

Check Our Upcoming Events

Aloha Festival September 

Supported Living Services

Thermal & Oceanic Energy

south Pacific Clean Up

TV Broadcast

Need to shoot an interview or documentary, edit film or shoot a series/show? Contact us or schedule below!
Honoring Our Temple

We Encourage Integrity Through Healthy Communication

Our Blog

Latest Blog & Articles

This is a placeholder for what is to come. Please stay tuned.

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